Happy Pride month!
Let me take a moment to reintroduce myself. I’m Sarah, the founder and yoga teacher here at Anahata Yoga from the Heart. Some of you may know my story that I’ve struggled with anxiety and depression for most of my life, and that struggle is WHY I opened Anahata Yoga 2.5 years ago. The idea sparked during my time at the Mental Health Day program at RVH here in Barrie. I checked myself into the hospital after my 3rd battle of depression seeking help to understand why I felt this way. During this program I started practicing yoga regularly to help ease my stress and anxiety. When I’m passionate about something I start to tell ALL my friends and family (and pressure them to join in too haha). I told my peers in the mental health program how much yoga was helping me in addition to our group, and the majority response was “I can’t afford yoga” or “I’m off work right now due to my mental health”. Mind Blowing! How can anyone get better if therapies and self care practises are so expensive? I didn’t see it as expensive or unattainable at that time in my early 20’s when I had the luxury of living at home rent free, and my only expense aka entertainment fund was going to yoga. That sparked the idea of affordable yoga for ALL and is why we have our Pay it Forward Program at Anahata!
For the longest time I blamed or labelled my anxiety and depression on my work and being an overachiever, “Coming Out” was a HUGE factor on my mental health. And even though my family and friends were accepting of my sexuality there was still that unlinking fear of judgement. I lost friends when I “came out”, and for a period of time I was in denial of my sexuality and was too busy “people pleasing” that I never spoke up about the societal pressures that were impacting my anxiety. I’m a believer you can love whoever you want, and I’m so grateful to know that our yoga community is accepting and understanding.
Fast forward 10 years later after “coming out” as bisexual (if you need to label it) to my family and friends, I am happier than EVER. I love the person I am, and I feel EMPOWERED (finally) as a community leader and entrepreneur to share my story. But it didn’t happen overnight. Years of self-help books, yoga, mediation, chanting, trips of finding myself have all shaped the person I am NOW.
I want to thank my yoga community for loving me just the way I am. I only “publicly” came out a year ago. I’ve never felt more comfortable in my skin.
June is pride month and as your friend I want to remind you to keep being kind, practice non judgement (yoga!) and open that big heart of yours. Be authentically YOU.
Sarah Melody
Founder & Yoga teacher Anahata Yoga from the Heart
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Waking Up anxious
Waking up anxious is the worst feeling! And as someone that has struggled with mental health for years I know how frustrating and impactful it can be Let’s why I’ve created this new online series called Habits, 3 week investment series to get you on the track to life long habits! Recording of each class will be available if you can’t make the schedule time or decide to hit snooze Learn more and sign up here
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Juggling Act
It’s a juggling act trying to wear all the hats that comes with running a business: yoga teacher, entrepreneur, community leader, manager, accountant, maintenance (yours truly gets to shovel the snow on those winter days), confidant, friend, partner, daughter and of course dog mom 🐶
When I’m not teaching you can find me writing emails at 4 am (sorry in advance I make sure to schedule them for 8am 🙈), my brain is constantly going with new ideas while trying to stay in survival mode during these times.
I’m grateful for my team of 8 beautiful souls for all their dedication to our community, without them we wouldn’t be able to bring you the variety of classes on the schedule and keeping serving mental health and wellness in Simcoe County🥰
Thank you Becca, Cindi, Michelle, Erica, Regan, Jenna, Chelsea, and Giselle for your dedication and kindness. Thank you for being my earth angels 👼 thank you for showing up for this community
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Panic Attacks
Please note Anahata Yoga is not a therapist or mental health expert we are advocates of mental health through the practice of yoga.
Yup we said it, the dreaded word, the lets not talk about it…Panic Attacks.
It has been a year and the word of the year well beside Covid-19 has been “uncertainty”.
So many changes, so many ups and downs. And for some it may be the first time they have questioned their mental health or even felt that other dreaded word “anxiety”.
I’ve been struggling with my own mental health specifically anxiety and depression for over 10 years. And yes I do believe my yoga helps me manage it these days but you just never know when a panic attack is going to sneak right up on you. For me its that feeling in the chest where you can’t breathe, and its not the good kind “I’m so in love I can’t breath” its the “I want to run away so quickly but I can’t, cause I feel like there’s a 1000 bricks on my chest” kind of not breathing. OH YES. I’ve been there, it is not fun, and even worst the added nausea in my stomach when I can’t tell if I want to throw up or need to eat kind of anxiety. Have you felt like this before?
I remember my first panic attack about 10 years ago, I lost control of my breath and I was so stressed about a recording session I had booked (at the time pursuing a music career). I’ve never felt nervous before, but I had scheduled myself to work with a new producer who I only met once. Something in my gut told me I shouldn’t go. My brother found me pacing around in our basement back and forth, I built a up such a sweat and was almost in tears. Intuitively he just grabbed me and gave me a hug, I started to cry. I really couldn’t explain what had just happened. I thought there must be something wrong with me.
Sometimes there isn’t an explanation for it. And that’s the frustrating part family and friends can ask “but why” “what brought it on” and sometimes the honest answer is “I DON’T KNOW”
Why do we always have to have the answer? Well I’ve been teaching myself these days its ok not to know WHY, It’s ok to say “I don’t know” and its ok to not always have to explain ourselves. As our yoga practice teaches us, meet yourself where you’re at.
Anxiety looks different for everyone. For my partner its in her chest, for me its in my stomach depending on the day. Please listen to your body slow down, take a breath and remind yourself it’s ok, step away to a time that made you feel GOOD.
I’m thankful for this body
I give myself permission to not be 100 % all the time
I give myself permission to rest
Be Gentle with yourself.
Sarah Melody
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Thank You Community – Temporary Closure Covid-19 lockdown
Day 1 “I got this”
Day 2 “I don’t got this”
I want to thank everyone that has reached out to check in on me this week as a small business owner. Sunday night when I wrote out the email to send to our community about closing our studio yet again due to COVID, I felt calm, cool and collected (and yes sat down to write at 8pm Sunday because us small business owners are always working, sorry real talk).
Monday rolled around and yet with another change I started to realize nope “I don’t got this”. Sporadic crying throughout the day, feeling hopeless and frustrated. What will 2021 look like for our small Business that’s only in year 2?
With all of these changes for January what this means is you’ll be seeing more of my face in your online classes (oops sorry in advance), this is to help with our operating costs while our studio is temporarily closed. As a small business owner I have to play all the roles: the teacher, the custodian, the accountant, the admin staff, the Social Media person (obvs), the friend, the leader and so many other hats that I’m probably forgetting right about now. So to all my other fellow small business owners, I see you and I feel for you. 💔
Anyways this post is really to say Thank You to those friends who picked up the phone to check in, who sent messages asking “Are you Ok and how are you Holding up?” And that’s the silver lining right there “holding up” I’ve never felt SO Held and loved by SO many people before. Our community is why we are still here. Thank you for seeing us, caring for us, and lifting us up. You matter.
#community #thankyou #smallbusinessowner #anahatayogabarrie
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Waking Up Anxious
Let’s talk about Waking Up Anxious….ugh. It’s the worst feeling, so frustrating when you have no control over it. Waking up with that sour feeling in your belly, your gut. Asking yourself “did I over share yesterday” “did I offended anyone” “wow that was really stupid when you said that”. The constant over analyzing until you’re exhausted.
Over the last couple years I’ve worked hard on changing my relationship with my mental health, teaching myself that it’s OK and actually a gift from my body telling me something is out of alignment. But honestly waking up with it and not being able to place where it came from is so annoying 😤 and on top of it the added pressure of “you should know this by now, we’ve been here before”. Now we have the avid big C stress do I dare mention the word one more time #covid We’re in a world right now that’s constantly changing so add that to the mix of pre-existing anxiety 🥳
So on those mornings this anxiety cloud just shows up, I ask myself what do I need today? Sit for 5 mins in meditation, drink more water less coffee ☕️😫, schedule a date with nature G R O U N D Y O U R S E L F!
And reminder yourself It’s all going to be okay.
Be gentle.
-Sarah Melody
#wakingupanxious #mentalhealth #yogaformentalhealth #selfcare #depression #anahatayogabarrie #anahatayogafromtheheart #clearyourmind #covid19
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Real Talk- Supporting Local
You’ve probably been scrolling through your feed and see posts saying “support local” or “when you shop local a real life person does a happy dance” It’s true we really do. But how often do we actually stop and consciously make that decision to support local? I get it, it’s so easy and convenient to shop at the big brands, sometimes there’s free shipping and great offers, I’m not saying don’t support the big guys cause come on I love my Lulu and Starbucks too and this post isn’t to sell you something (although memberships is what keeps studios alive)… this post is really to ask you what do you VALUE? When you make a purchase whether it’s a service or product it’s an investment, what do you receive in return, what’s its value? Is it quality, is it that personal touch, someone on the screen or in studio that remembers your name and greets you? That’s what we’re truly investing into …its connection, and man are we lacking human connection these days. This Fall 2020 is more than a change of season it really is the “fall” of local businesses, all of us trying to reinvent the wheel and get by. Some of my own favourite yoga studios and allies have closed during these crazy times, it breaks my heart and honestly scares me. The next time you make a purchase or sign up for a service I hope you will make a conscious purchase. What do you value? Who do you value? If you choose to support local, thank you! Not only will there be a happy dance at the end of that purchase, but your heart May be a little fuller too. -Sarah Melody, Founder and Yoga Teacher Anahata Yoga from the Heart
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Be Still
Be Still. I joke with my yoga students almost daily that I teach yoga to find stillness and to balance out my yang energy. Being conditioned in our Western Society to work harder, do more, be more …ALL the time. This use to be me, actually its still me. How do you undo old programming of 20 plus years. Is it nurture? Is it nature? Is it society? Is it immigrant parents, the generation of the working force that conditioned you to work harder? All of the above plays a factor, but only YOU (me) can change that programming, that dialogue. Some of my most recent talks with friends, family, and community have been around the idea that both social distancing and Covid have reminder us to SLOW DOWN, and that we truly have no control of tomorrow. This doesn’t mean to not have goals and dreams but maybe it’s the reminder to not hold on so tight. Appreciating the stillness, the calm, the quiet, that’s my intention for the remainder of Summer 2020, what’s yours ?
Sarah Melody
#calm #stillness #ontario #yogateacher #nature #getoutside #practicewhatyoupreach #selfcare #water #lakelife #intention #socialdistancing #covid19 #slowdown #meditation #meditate
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