Why Self Care in the Summertime is so important
We get it, summer is full of possibilities. The sun is shining and well we’ve been in lockdown for what feels like a lifetime. From cottages to camping, to days at the beach it feels like theres just not enough time to squeeze it ALL in. Its easy to loose sight of our own self care needs.
Heres what we’ve learned:
- Start with 15 mins. Whatever self care practice you’re missing whether its going to bed earlier / waking up earlier, sitting down to read a book, drawing, picking up the guitar. Start small before adding more to your to do list.
- If it feels heavy don’t do it! The last thing you need is Self Care to feel like another chore, ugh, kinda defeats the purpose doesn’t it? Ask yourself when you make time for something does this feel “light” or “heavy”
- Go on a date with yourself! Schedule your Self Care time in your calendar, I get it we said don’t add more to your to do list, but if you treat time with yourself like you would with a friend than you may be less apt to cancel. You wouldn’t cancel last minute on your friend or not show up for an important appointment would you? So don’t cancel time with yourself either!
- Have Fun!! Find the joy in giving back to yourself
Some questions to leave you with:
- What does self care look like for you? Is it more time in nature, picking up that book on your never ending reading list, or getting back to your yoga practice?
- What is your “why” behind each self care act? To feel more relaxed, to show up for your family, to be a better version of yourself, ALL OF THE ABOVE?
Don’t wait til September or the new year, start now, cause you’re worth it!
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Juggling Act
It’s a juggling act trying to wear all the hats that comes with running a business: yoga teacher, entrepreneur, community leader, manager, accountant, maintenance (yours truly gets to shovel the snow on those winter days), confidant, friend, partner, daughter and of course dog mom 🐶
When I’m not teaching you can find me writing emails at 4 am (sorry in advance I make sure to schedule them for 8am 🙈), my brain is constantly going with new ideas while trying to stay in survival mode during these times.
I’m grateful for my team of 8 beautiful souls for all their dedication to our community, without them we wouldn’t be able to bring you the variety of classes on the schedule and keeping serving mental health and wellness in Simcoe County🥰
Thank you Becca, Cindi, Michelle, Erica, Regan, Jenna, Chelsea, and Giselle for your dedication and kindness. Thank you for being my earth angels 👼 thank you for showing up for this community
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Panic Attacks

barrie yoga classes
Please note Anahata Yoga is not a therapist or mental health expert we are advocates of mental health through the practice of yoga.
Yup we said it, the dreaded word, the lets not talk about it…Panic Attacks.
It has been a year and the word of the year well beside Covid-19 has been “uncertainty”.
So many changes, so many ups and downs. And for some it may be the first time they have questioned their mental health or even felt that other dreaded word “anxiety”.
I’ve been struggling with my own mental health specifically anxiety and depression for over 10 years. And yes I do believe my yoga helps me manage it these days but you just never know when a panic attack is going to sneak right up on you. For me its that feeling in the chest where you can’t breathe, and its not the good kind “I’m so in love I can’t breath” its the “I want to run away so quickly but I can’t, cause I feel like there’s a 1000 bricks on my chest” kind of not breathing. OH YES. I’ve been there, it is not fun, and even worst the added nausea in my stomach when I can’t tell if I want to throw up or need to eat kind of anxiety. Have you felt like this before?
I remember my first panic attack about 10 years ago, I lost control of my breath and I was so stressed about a recording session I had booked (at the time pursuing a music career). I’ve never felt nervous before, but I had scheduled myself to work with a new producer who I only met once. Something in my gut told me I shouldn’t go. My brother found me pacing around in our basement back and forth, I built a up such a sweat and was almost in tears. Intuitively he just grabbed me and gave me a hug, I started to cry. I really couldn’t explain what had just happened. I thought there must be something wrong with me.
Sometimes there isn’t an explanation for it. And that’s the frustrating part family and friends can ask “but why” “what brought it on” and sometimes the honest answer is “I DON’T KNOW”
Why do we always have to have the answer? Well I’ve been teaching myself these days its ok not to know WHY, It’s ok to say “I don’t know” and its ok to not always have to explain ourselves. As our yoga practice teaches us, meet yourself where you’re at.
Anxiety looks different for everyone. For my partner its in her chest, for me its in my stomach depending on the day. Please listen to your body slow down, take a breath and remind yourself it’s ok, step away to a time that made you feel GOOD.
I’m thankful for this body
I give myself permission to not be 100 % all the time
I give myself permission to rest
Be Gentle with yourself.
Sarah Melody
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Real Talk- Supporting Local
You’ve probably been scrolling through your feed and see posts saying “support local” or “when you shop local a real life person does a happy dance” It’s true we really do. But how often do we actually stop and consciously make that decision to support local? I get it, it’s so easy and convenient to shop at the big brands, sometimes there’s free shipping and great offers, I’m not saying don’t support the big guys cause come on I love my Lulu and Starbucks too
and this post isn’t to sell you something (although memberships is what keeps studios alive)… this post is really to ask you what do you VALUE? When you make a purchase whether it’s a service or product it’s an investment, what do you receive in return, what’s its value?
Is it quality, is it that personal touch, someone on the screen or in studio that remembers your name and greets you? That’s what we’re truly investing into …its connection, and man are we lacking human connection these days.
This Fall 2020 is more than a change of season it really is the “fall” of local businesses, all of us trying to reinvent the wheel and get by. Some of my own favourite yoga studios and allies have closed during these crazy times, it breaks my heart
and honestly scares me. The next time you make a purchase or sign up for a service I hope you will make a conscious purchase. What do you value? Who do you value? If you choose to support local, thank you! Not only will there be a happy dance at the end of that purchase, but your heart May be a little fuller too.
-Sarah Melody, Founder and Yoga Teacher Anahata Yoga from the Heart

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Women In Business Young Professional of the Year

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Be Your Own Teacher
Be your own teacher.
I don’t mean yoga teacher or school teacher, I mean Life teacher . This message has been coming up lately but it’s funny how we don’t always see or hear the message the first time around.
Be your own teacher…trust your own inner knowledge. Do you remember a time you set out to try something new? And you were so determined to reach that goal? So much curiosity and awe. Do you also remember the hiccups, the peaks, hills, and road blocks? Do you remember how challenging it was to see the finish line? But you got there eventually didn’t you, through drive, determination, perseverance and maybe even stubbornness. And do you remember that feeling of satisfaction, fulfillment, joy? Another experience, achievement, under your belt, a new wealth of knowledge.
Let’s stop rushing to the final step, fast tracking or needing to know the outcome and especially stop seeking the answers from others.
Be your own teacher. Trust your own inner knowledge, you’ve done the work or maybe you’re still doing the work (there’s always more work to be done).
Be your own teacher
Be your own hero
Be your own friend
Be your own mother/ father Nurture yourself
Be your own lover (Self Love Baby!)
We learn best when we simply live our own life, without comparison, judgement or need of approval.
Trust more. You have the answers within.
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