Be Still
Be Still. I joke with my yoga students almost daily that I teach yoga to find stillness and to balance out my yang energy. Being conditioned in our Western Society to work harder, do more, be more …ALL the time. This use to be me, actually its still me. How do you undo old programming of 20 plus years. Is it nurture? Is it nature? Is it society? Is it immigrant parents, the generation of the working force that conditioned you to work harder? All of the above plays a factor, but only YOU (me) can change that programming, that dialogue.
Some of my most recent talks with friends, family, and community have been around the idea that both social distancing and Covid have reminder us to SLOW DOWN, and that we truly have no control of tomorrow. This doesn’t mean to not have goals and dreams but maybe it’s the reminder to not hold on so tight. Appreciating the stillness, the calm, the quiet, that’s my intention for the remainder of Summer 2020, what’s yours ?
Sarah Melody
#calm #stillness #ontario #yogateacher #nature #getoutside #practicewhatyoupreach #selfcare #water #lakelife #intention #socialdistancing #covid19 #slowdown #meditation #meditate
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Women In Business Young Professional of the Year

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