Thank You Community – Temporary Closure Covid-19 lockdown
Day 1 “I got this”
Day 2 “I don’t got this”
I want to thank everyone that has reached out to check in on me this week as a small business owner. Sunday night when I wrote out the email to send to our community about closing our studio yet again due to COVID, I felt calm, cool and collected (and yes sat down to write at 8pm Sunday because us small business owners are always working, sorry real talk).
Monday rolled around and yet with another change I started to realize nope “I don’t got this”. Sporadic crying throughout the day, feeling hopeless and frustrated. What will 2021 look like for our small Business that’s only in year 2?
With all of these changes for January what this means is you’ll be seeing more of my face in your online classes (oops sorry in advance), this is to help with our operating costs while our studio is temporarily closed. As a small business owner I have to play all the roles: the teacher, the custodian, the accountant, the admin staff, the Social Media person (obvs), the friend, the leader and so many other hats that I’m probably forgetting right about now. So to all my other fellow small business owners, I see you and I feel for you. 💔
Anyways this post is really to say Thank You to those friends who picked up the phone to check in, who sent messages asking “Are you Ok and how are you Holding up?” And that’s the silver lining right there “holding up” I’ve never felt SO Held and loved by SO many people before. Our community is why we are still here. Thank you for seeing us, caring for us, and lifting us up. You matter.
#community #thankyou #smallbusinessowner #anahatayogabarrie
- Published in Blog posts
Waking Up Anxious
Let’s talk about Waking Up Anxious….ugh. It’s the worst feeling, so frustrating when you have no control over it. Waking up with that sour feeling in your belly, your gut. Asking yourself “did I over share yesterday” “did I offended anyone” “wow that was really stupid when you said that”. The constant over analyzing until you’re exhausted.
Over the last couple years I’ve worked hard on changing my relationship with my mental health, teaching myself that it’s OK and actually a gift from my body telling me something is out of alignment. But honestly waking up with it and not being able to place where it came from is so annoying 😤 and on top of it the added pressure of “you should know this by now, we’ve been here before”. Now we have the avid big C stress do I dare mention the word one more time #covid We’re in a world right now that’s constantly changing so add that to the mix of pre-existing anxiety 🥳
So on those mornings this anxiety cloud just shows up, I ask myself what do I need today? Sit for 5 mins in meditation, drink more water less coffee ☕️😫, schedule a date with nature G R O U N D Y O U R S E L F!
And reminder yourself It’s all going to be okay.
Be gentle.
-Sarah Melody
#wakingupanxious #mentalhealth #yogaformentalhealth #selfcare #depression #anahatayogabarrie #anahatayogafromtheheart #clearyourmind #covid19
- Published in Blog posts
Real Talk- Supporting Local
You’ve probably been scrolling through your feed and see posts saying “support local” or “when you shop local a real life person does a happy dance” It’s true we really do. But how often do we actually stop and consciously make that decision to support local? I get it, it’s so easy and convenient to shop at the big brands, sometimes there’s free shipping and great offers, I’m not saying don’t support the big guys cause come on I love my Lulu and Starbucks too
and this post isn’t to sell you something (although memberships is what keeps studios alive)… this post is really to ask you what do you VALUE? When you make a purchase whether it’s a service or product it’s an investment, what do you receive in return, what’s its value?
Is it quality, is it that personal touch, someone on the screen or in studio that remembers your name and greets you? That’s what we’re truly investing into …its connection, and man are we lacking human connection these days.
This Fall 2020 is more than a change of season it really is the “fall” of local businesses, all of us trying to reinvent the wheel and get by. Some of my own favourite yoga studios and allies have closed during these crazy times, it breaks my heart
and honestly scares me. The next time you make a purchase or sign up for a service I hope you will make a conscious purchase. What do you value? Who do you value? If you choose to support local, thank you! Not only will there be a happy dance at the end of that purchase, but your heart May be a little fuller too.
-Sarah Melody, Founder and Yoga Teacher Anahata Yoga from the Heart

- Published in Blog posts