What does your Self Care routine look like? One of my students thanked me today for always reminding them it’s important to put yourself first and it doesn’t make you selfish. Ive struggled with this for a long tine myself and trying to follow my own advice can be a challenge at times. With the end of summer approaching I dedicated Monday morning to myself. My day started with 20 minutes of chanting/meditation, 30 minute forest walk with the pup and taking a 75 min yoga class for myself. Now you may be saying I don’t have time for that, I hear ya, I used my “half day” off to accomplish this and started my day at 6am. But when we say we don’t have “time” we’re really saying we don’t value something. Even 5 minutes of what you love daily can make a difference. #selfcare #itsalifestyle #routine #earlyrisers #riseandshine #the5ammiracle #chant #meditation #meditate #practice #yoga #self #selflove